Wednesday, April 15, 2015
What if Rosa Parks never refused to give up her seat up to a white man?
Rosa parks, is a very well known historical figure because in 1995, she refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. This took place in Montgomery, Alabama. Rosa was a black woman, who dispised the fact that whites and blacks were so unequal. Whites and blacks used different bathrooms, drank from two different water fountains, rode different busses ect. Because of the segregation laws, it was legal to make a black person get up and give his or her seat to a white man or woman, if their wasnt anymore empty seats. Rosa, was arrested, put in jail and fined $10 plus $4 in court costs because she was guilty for breaking the segregation laws and not getting up and giving the bus seat to a white man. "The leaders of the local black community organized bus boycott that began the day Parks was convicted of violating segregation laws"(Rosa Parks). If Rosa Parks, never fought for what she believed in, which was that blacks and whites shouldn't be seperated, and everyone should be equal. Today's world, would be so different. Maybe the freedom of blacks wouldn't be like how it is today. Maybe things would of kept being the same as how they were before, whites and colored at their seperate ways. Buses and bathrooms would be only for blacks or only for whites. Rosa Parks, changed our world and society against race.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Bianca's Blitzkrieg ch2/3
"In the afternoon, they made us line up. Three prisoners brought a table and some medical instruments. We were told to roll up our left sleeves and file past the table. The three "veteran" prisoners, needles in hand, tattooed numbers on our left arms. I became A-7713. From then on, I had no other name" (Wiesel 52).
Significance: In my English class we're reading Night, a story that is told by Ellie Wiesel and his experience in the Holocaust. This quote shows how he has being treated and how the Nazis numbered their workers. He no longer had a name he was just a number. It help explains the plot because the idea of going to a camp to work was no longer an idea, it was now a reality. He wasnt living his own life anymore. He got told everything, like his name, what to do, and when to do it. He had to follow the rules or else he would've gotten killed.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Bianca's Blitzkrieg
"TWO GHETTOS were created in Sighet. A large one in the center of town occupied four streets, and other smaller one extended over several alleyways on the outskirts of town. The streets we live on, Serpent Street, was in the first ghetto. We therefore could remain in our house. But, as it occupied a comer, the windows facing the street outside the ghetto had to be sealed. We gave some of our rooms to relatives who had been driven out of their homes"(Wiesel 11).
Significance: I'm my American studies class, were reading Night by Ellie WieselIn. Based on the quote written above, i can connect the ghettos to today's world. Today, their are buildings that are run by the government for people that don't have the money to provide a home to their family. In the story, their is also buildings that are created by the Nazi government, for Jewish people to live in before they were shipped to concentration camps. The difference between the building that were run by the Nazi government was that they were in bad condition, while the ones today are in better conditions and are created to help families. In the story, living with random people or living in other peoples houses, was considered normal, while today it's not very common. The first chapter really explains the setting of the story, which is mainly the ghettos, where the Jews were put to live.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
How did the Germans define who was Jewish?
My hypothesis is that the Germans did science or observations on people, which they believed looked like they were Jewish. Germans can measure peoples head, nose, eye width etc. to figure out what ethnicity they were. Since Jews are known to have larger noses, it would be easy to figure out what man or woman was a Jew. According to history books, I was correct with my hypothesis because some Germans, did in fact measure a mans nose who they believe was Jewish. They used this method for a while, and that was simply how they determined who was Jewish. Nazis had the authority to stop a man or woman and observe him or her and could say whether they were Jewish or not and execute them or apply a Star of David into the back and front of their clothing. In some cases, some Jewish people, had the Star of David tattooed into some part of their body to be easily recognized by the nazis. Later on in 1935, the nazis had the official definition of a Jew because of the Numerang Laws, which were anti Jewish statuses. "According to this German law, anyone with three Jewish grandparents was a Jew, as was anyone with two Jewish grandparents" (The Holocaust FAQ). Anyone who is married to a Jewish person or who has a Jewish parent was also considered Jewish(The Holocaust FAQ).
"The Holocaust FAQ",
Friday, February 6, 2015
Great Gatsby Pre-Rdg
Some people think that having money leads to happiness. Do you agree? Why or why not? What are the advantages or disadvantages of being wealthy?
To some people, money can cause happiness for them. Going shopping and wasting money on useless things makes them feel good. In my opinion, money does not lead to happiness. Money can purchase lots of material things like purses, shoes and clothes but it can't buy a healthy life, or family. Even the richest people suffer from dangerous diseases or sicknessess, and can't buy a new healthy life. They can spend billions of dollars on surgeries and go to the best doctors in the world but their health can't be fixed. Although there is disadvantages to being wealthy like the ones I just explained, there is some advantages too. Some advantages of being wealthy, is not having to worry about rent or being short on money, to buy groceries or any of those necessary things. Which are the most important, especially if you have kids. Giving your kids everything they need is more than enough. Even if you don't have kids, you still need to maintain yourself with a stable lifestyle.Their is lots of bills that need to be payed once you're an adult, That is why going to college and becoming succesfull is key. If you are succesful then you are most likely wealthy in life, and can provide a better life for yourself and or for your family.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
World War 1 Propaganda in America
Propaganda is something that you do to influence people's thoughts and actions.
In this poster, Its telling how during the war, the people had to give up some of the their food for the Soilders who were serving in Europe. For example, in this picture they are giving. Up bread, or wheat.

Both of these posters focus on the Food administration, which was invented by Wilson to help produce and reserve food. As a result, American food shipments allied tripled, and Hoover set a high government price on wheat and other goods. These posters had to be very effected because of the the Espionage and Sedition Acts, which was a law that made it illegal to undermine government war effort. Which means that people can't speak up about what they believe in about the war, so they all have to obey the law. If today's world had propaganda posters, they would be different because we don't have a limit on what we can eat or buy at a grocery store. We don't have to save any food for anyone. The type of propaganda poster we would see today, would probably be about something we all use every day like technology.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
How the other half lives.
I drew a picture of the room that was being described in the story. Darkness, lots of people and the two windows that were in the room. These people lived in really bad conditions, where they couldn't even feel the fresh air. During the summer time the room had a terrible stench.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Dances With Wolves esaay
Jenny Pina
January 12, 2015
Dances With Wolves essay
Many may argue that the movie, Dances With Wolves, directed by Kevin Costner, is historically inaccurate. In fact, they are incorrect. Dances With Wolves, is an accurate film that shows how men delt with injuries by using their knowledge of folk medicine and shows the relationship between the whites and the violent Indians.
As a matter if fact, in one of David Dary's story's, titled Mountain Man,Heal Thyself, shows how folk medicine was being used. The story tells about a man with the name of Hugh Glass, who was attacked by a grizzly bear. Hugh almost died, but with his knowledge about folk remedies he was able to save himself. "...Glass rolled over onto a rotting log and let the maggots eat the infection out of his back (Dary). Glass and other mountain men had to come up with their own ways of treating themselves in case of an injury. In this case, Glass believes that if he let maggots crawl on his back, they would eat away his infection. Historically, this is one way that men saved themselves. Others used herbs and buffalo skin thongs. Some men even wished for their leg or arm to get cut off to stop further infection. For example, In the beginning of Dances With Wolves, their is a scene where a man was shot in the leg/foot area and two men took him to treat him. These men were not experienced and were not familiar with germs. The men used their bare hands to touch the wounded mans injured foot and blood to treat him. When they were finished they simply just rinsed there hands in water. Just like how Dary's story historically explains how men used their knowledge in folk medicine, this is another way that men did, to save other men, in emergencies shown, in Dances With Wolves.
Similarly, the relationship between whites and violent Indians was shown both is Dary's story as well as in Costner's film. In Mountain Man,Heal Thyself, there is a tribe of Apache Indians who confronted Thomas L. Smith, telling him to leave the area in what is now Colorado. Indians were the americans fear which is why, "Smith agreed to leave the area, and when he caught up with his fellow trappers a few days later he learned that the groups leader, Sylvesters Pratte, had been killed by Indians." (Dary) Smith then was shot in the leg, the bullet truck him just about the ankle which shattered his bones. He fired his gun and in result, their was nine Indians dead including the one who shot him. The apachee Indians were violent to Smith without a particular reason. In the film, a batch of Pawnee Indians showed up to where Dunbar and Timonds were. The Pawnee Indians wore paint on their face, long feathered earrings on their ears and rode on their horse violently and yelling. One of the Pawnee indians shot 3 arrows directly to Timonds body which killed him. After Timonds was completely dead, the Pawnee who killed him scalped him and raised it as a victory. It's clear to see that the Indians were violent and vicious people to the Americans, which is why white men feared them.
As a final point, Dances With Wolves, is definetly an accurate film because it shows the historical aspects of white men's medicine and the relationship between the whites and the unfriendly Indians.
Works Cited
Dary, David. "Mountain Man, Heal Thyself." American History 43.5 (2008): 56. MAS Ultra - School
Edition. Web. 12 Jan. 2015.
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